Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Should names be funny?

I'm not sure we should saddle children with joke names, just to amuse ourselves, but there is no doubt it happens.

I heard many years ago about the Lear family and their new baby girl, Krista Chanda....

For lots more silly (tragic?) names, have a look at this:

I can only hope no babies really carried these names!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Language is fickle and most any name can be twisted. Some parents go out of there way to avoid tease-able names. My sister-in-law is one of them. She thought she'd done here due diligence in naming her first born, "Jonathan Nathanial." Which I quickly shortened to, "Jo-Nat" or "Jon" of short. Of course, "Jo-Nat," could quickly melded into a prime tease-able name, but I'll leave that as an exercise.

Being adopted, I suppose that I should be glad that I did not end up with my birth name, "Michael Harold." I could see it quickly becoming, "Mick Harry."

Instead I ended up with, "Peter Michael." Which is bad enough when it comes to tease-able names. There was the common, "Michael Michael motorcycle," stuff. But, also, the annoyance of marketing jibes, "Popsicle Pete." Not to mention that my full initials are, "P.M.S."

In the end, all names are funny, and the sharp observer will also notice that they are beautiful as well.